June 2018: Vote YES on Prop B - Charter Amendment

Proposition B - Charter Amendment: Appointed Board and Commission Members Seeking Elected Office

Summary of the Measure:

Proposition B will amend the San Francisco City Charter to provide that appointed members of City boards and commissions forfeit their offices upon filing a declaration of candidacy for state or local elected office. There are three exceptions to the forfeiture requirement. First, it does not apply to appointed members of a citizen advisory committee. Second, an official that is appointed to an otherwise elected position is not subject to the forfeiture requirement if they choose to run for the office to which they were appointed. And, third, the requirement does not apply to elected officials in general. Additional information can be found on the Department of Elections website

The measure is sponsored by Supervisors Peskin, Kim, Safai, and Yee.

SFLCV’s Position:

Prop B is meant to eliminate any possible conflicts of interest created when an appointed board or commission member runs for elected office. It has been a long-standing practice in San Francisco for appointed members of City boards or commissions to step down from their appointed position upon announcing their candidacy for an elected office. Prop B memorializes this tradition in the City Charter and advances good government.

Vote YES on Proposition B!