Our organization's bylaws govern what we do and how we do it...
Mission Our mission is to promote environmental protection through active participation in the San Francisco political system and to enhance the integrity of that political system for all San Franciscans. As such, we promote conservation and protection of natural resources, environmental justice, and sustainability, as well as good government issues and political reforms.
Our primary means for achieving these goals are:Supporting legislation and candidates that promote our goals.
Informing the voting public about such legislation and candidates.
Lobbying public officials on behalf of such legislation.
Creating such legislation itself.
Board Membership
Any person living in San Francisco, or who spends significant time in San Francisco, who shares our goals is eligible to be a member of the Board.
Members of the Board of Directors shall be chosen to enhance the Board's institutional knowledge, diversity, political impact, and ability to accomplish our goals. Board members may be removed by a 2/3 vote of all active Board members at a regularly scheduled meeting.
To remain members of the Board in good standing, each Board member is expected to:
Perform at least 25 hours of SFLCV work a year, pay annual dues in the amount of $100 or raise at least $100 on behalf of the SFLCV, and attend a majority of scheduled meetings.
In all cases, financial and work obligations may be exchanged in the amount of $10 in lieu of an hour of work, and vice versa.
Attendance at Board meetings does not count towards work obligations.
Unexcused absences from three consecutive Board meetings is grounds for dismissal.
Within the first quarter of odd numbered years the President shall schedule officer elections at a regularly scheduled Board Meeting.
Officers shall be elected by simple majority, for 2 year terms, and shall include President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and any other officers the President deems necessary.
No person shall serve for more than two consecutive terms for the same officer position. Board members who have never served on the Board previously shall run for an officer position within 3 years of joining the Board.
No elected official shall serve as President of the League.
Vacancies in any office may be filled by majority vote at any regularly scheduled meeting.
The President may create temporary positions or committees to achieve specific purposes. These positions have a maximum term of one calendar year unless renewed by the President. The President shall appoint these positions.
General Meetings & Operations
Regular meetings shall be held on a monthly basis, unless canceled at the President’s discretion. Additional meetings may be scheduled as necessary, by any Officer of the Board, with at least seven days written notice. In the event that action is needed on less than seven days notice, an emergency meeting may be scheduled by a simple majority vote of the officers of the Board.
General meetings, having a quorum of at least 50% of the Board, shall establish basic policy and conduct general operations of the SFLCV, not including endorsements.
Alternative procedures, such as phone and online polls, may be substituted if no Board member objects.
Endorsement Procedures
A meeting to make endorsements shall meet all the requirements of Board meetings in Section 3.
Voting Procedures
Alternative voting methods, such as phone or online polls, can be substituted only if agreed upon in advance at a meeting by a simple majority of Board members present. Notice shall then be provided via email to non-present members by the President or Secretary.
Endorsements require a simple majority vote of all non-recused Board members who are Present or voting by Proxy.
Board members eligible to vote on any given endorsement are non-recused members.
Votes shall be taken in an open vote unless any member requests a secret ballot.
Board Members may give their proxy to another Board Member for endorsement meetings only. This will allow them to vote in the Board endorsement and procedural matters associated with Board endorsement. The Board Member who wishes to vote via proxy must notify the Secretary, President, and the Board Member they wish to take their proxy, in writing prior to the endorsement meeting. Members who assign their proxy vote will not be counted toward the quorum required for the meeting. This will be done to ensure a quorum can still be met for the meeting, as proxy votes will not be counted toward the Board quorum during any Board meeting. Board members shall only be allowed two proxy votes per cycle.
Conflicts of Interest
Any Board member who is receiving or is promised to receive material benefit from the candidacy or election of a candidate, or the campaign for or against passage of a ballot measure, or is an officer of such a campaign, must recuse himself or herself from that endorsement, and shall not vote for or against that endorsement.
Board members shall disclose any endorsements of candidates or ballot measures (including appearing on any piece of literature for the candidate or ballot measure) or reportable contributions to candidates or ballot measures prior to discussion or vote, but may participate in the endorsement vote.
Each Board member must keep the Board informed of all political affiliations and personal endorsements; and, where a reasonable person would believe a conflict of interest exists.
Amendments to the Bylaws Bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 majority of all active members at a regularly scheduled meeting. At least seven days notice shall be given to all active Board members prior to proposed changes being voted on. The notice must include the proposed changes. Nothing in this section shall prohibit amendments to the proposed changes by any members present at the regularly scheduled meeting.
Absent - Members who are not physically or virtually present at the meeting. Members who are absent do not contribute to the meeting quorum.
Abstaining - When a member abstains they vote neither for nor against a motion. Abstentions do not lower the total required number of votes for a simple or 2/3 majority motions.
Present - Members who are physically or virtually present and are in attendance at the meeting. Members who are present can vote and are counted towards the meeting quorum.
Proxy Vote - A proxy vote is when one person authorizes another person to vote on their behalf.
Quorum - A quorum is the minimum number of members who must be present for a meeting to conduct business.
Recused - Members who recuse themselves may not vote on any endorsements or endorsement related procedure changes. Recused members do not count toward vote thresholds (simple or ⅔) but will count towards the overall meeting quorum. A recusal occurs when a member voluntarily steps aside from a discussion and vote. Additionally, a Board member may be recused from a vote at the recommendation of another Board member and confirmation by a ⅔ majority vote.
Simple Majority - A simple majority is at least 50.1% of votes cast by Board members entitled to vote, excluding absences.
Two-Thirds Majority - A 2/3 majority is at least 66% of votes cast by Board members entitled to vote.
Unexcused Absences - Occur when a Board Member fails to let the President know in advance of a meeting when they will not be present.