November 2018: Vote Gordon Mar for District 4

SFLCV supports Gordon Mar for Board of Supervisors in District 4. The Sunset needs new leadership for the environment, particularly advocacy for building more new homes here. Gordon Mar has been a labor and community activist for 20 years, and we believe he has the vision and community ties to guide the Sunset toward more sustainable approaches on increasing housing; investing in public transit and biking and walking infrastructure; and supporting San Francisco’s climate goals.

Most critically, Mar supports increasing housing in the Sunset, and prioritizes building more affordable homes along transit corridors. In speaking with our board, Mar said that the reason he’s running for Board of Supervisors is that the Sunset is threatened by the affordability crisis facing San Francisco. He wants to ensure that people can live and thrive in San Francisco regardless of income, and we believe he’s ready to move forward discussions around affordable housing. The neighborhood is ready for change, both as residents move to the Sunset from other, more dense parts of the city, and as longtime homeowners want to ensure the neighborhood will be affordable for their children. Mar aims to streamline the process to approve building new housing, such as creating incentive programs to build more housing in the Sunset (particularly in-law units) with grants, tax coupons, or greater access to financing for residents who want to add housing where they live.

Mar bikes for fun with his family, and is a daily MUNI rider; he supports recommitting MUNI to its fossil-free pledge and supports congestion pricing in San Francisco to provide revenue for MUNI, with the goal of getting people out of their cars and onto public transit. He also suggests expanding free MUNI to college students. Mar supports more promotion of CleanPower SF to encourage more sign-ups, including a focus on outreach to more diverse populations. (Mar helped expand San Francisco’s curbside recycling to include single-resident occupancy (SRO) housing in Chinatown, and worked with residents to help them use it.)

Mar’s experience in organizing and speaking up for the most vulnerable, his care for the environment, and his thoughtful willingness to talk through issues will be assets to the Board of Supervisors.

For District 4 Supervisor, vote for Gordon Mar.

You can read Gordon Mar’s answers to our candidate questionnaire here.