June 2022: NO on Prop H: Stop the Recall of District Attorney Boudin

In 2019, the San Francisco League of Conservation Voters endorsed a first-choice vote for Chesa Boudin in the District Attorney race. At that time, SFLCV determined that Boudin was well qualified to steward our City’s most vulnerable communities and bring those responsible for environmental contamination to justice, without exacerbating incarceration rates. Boudin was duly elected in November 2019. 

Two years into his tenure, District Attorney Boudin has faithfully carried out the duties of the office. Underlying Prop H is a widely held misconception about the District Attorney’s role. The DA cannot prosecute crimes until and unless the police make an arrest. Local reporting shows that SFPD itself has a problematic record. And reliable data demonstrate that Boudin files charges at higher rates than previous DAs. In any event, reasonable people can disagree about Boudin’s record and policies. Debate about and voting on these differing views are the very foundations of democracy. Indeed, voters will debate and vote on his performance when the District Attorney race is on the ballot next year. 

Recall elections, however, while sometimes appropriate, are often anti-democratic for several reasons. Voter turnout tends to be very low because recalls often happen as special elections, which garner less interest and participation than general elections. Recalls are often organized by special interests rather than the general public or grassroots movements. In fact, the grassroots attempt to recall Boudin failed; this second attempt is funded by a few wealthy people. Recalls are expensive. In 2022, recalls in San Francisco cost residents an additional $12 million in election fees. 

As we at SFLCV have recently articulated, the only time that recalls are appropriate is when the actions of the elected officials are either criminal or directly damaging to the institution itself. Indeed, to combat growing overuse of recall elections to get a second bite at the election-apple, SFLCV recommends a YES vote on Prop C, which will reform San Franscio’s recall processes. 

Regardless of whether one agrees or disagrees with his policies, District Attorney Boudin is faithfully carrying out the duties of the District Attorney’s office. SFLCV recommends a NO vote on Prop H.