Vote for Environmental Champion, Aaron Peskin, for District 3 Supervisor!


District 3’s incumbent Supervisor, Aaron Peskin, has been a long time environmental champion on the Board. While some may question his pugnacious approach to the rough and tumble world of City Hall, it is impossible to question his tenacity and his results. 

On numerous critical issues, Supervisor Peskin has not only voted for good legislation but has led the charge by creating such legislation - sweating the details such as securing funding, working to change structural hurdles (such as state laws or problems in the City Charter) and overcoming opposition where possible, or finding meaningful compromise where it was not.

Specifically, Peskin has worked tirelessly to champion affordable housing in San Francisco from Embarcadero land use, to Citywide zoning issues, to legalizing in-law-units (ADUs). He’s been a steadfast promoter of Muni, bicycling, and pedestrian safety. Numerous other environmental initiatives have Supervisor Peskin’s fingerprints all over them, from the plastic bag ban, to protecting San Francisco’s water supply and the rivers it relies on, to working on public power and community choice aggregation.

All that being said, we don’t always agree with Supervisor Peskin’s approach on every issue. For example, we were alarmed at his recent brinkmanship with Caltrain, essentially blocking the critical Measure RR in order to secure structural reforms at Caltrain. While in the end, this was likely a net positive, we remain unsure partially due to Peskin’s reticence to be more forthcoming with us and with the general public. 

Similarly, as one of the Supervisors who recently voted to freeze Muni’s fare increase, we expect that Supervisor Peskin will work to identify and secure alternate funding for Muni maintenance and operations. (See the District 5 post for details.)

Regardless of these disagreements, over his long and storied career, Aaron Peskin has been an environmental stalwart, both prior to, during, and in between his stints on the Board of Supervisors. His breadth of experience is unmatched on the Board as well as his knowledge of procedure and possibility. All of this makes him a formidable legislator and a powerful leader. We look forward to working with him in the years to come.

We truly appreciate his relentless dedication to the environment and to San Francisco and strongly endorse him. Vote Aaron Peskin for District 3 Supervisor!

[Ed note: Read Aaron Peskin’s answers to our candidate questionnaire here.]